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[RA] Reading Accuracy

Learn about reading accuracy

Hugo Richard avatar
Written by Hugo Richard
Updated over 3 years ago


Word reading accuracy is the ability to read words with very few or no mistakes. Accurate word reading is a skill that must be mastered if students are going to be able to “read to learn”. If students cannot accurately identify words, they will struggle while reading. An increase in accuracy leads to better fluency and comprehension.


Opportunities to develop reading accuracy:

  • Importance of the explicit teaching of phonics source

  • Structured Synthetic Phonics: A Guide for Teachers and Parents source

  • Recommended programs factsheet source

  • Resources and links source

  • How to teach sight words source

  • Orthographic mapping source


The Reading Accuracy (RA) score is recorded as the educator indicates whether the student has read each word correctly during the word reading assessment.

In every assessment, there are 48 words of between 1 and 4 syllables covering regular, irregular and pseudowords. The number of correctly read words will be shown against the total included in each category, providing the raw score.

The RA raw score results can be displayed as the following by selecting your choice:

a) as a raw score against the total number of words read in the assessment (out of 48)

b) as a raw score from the total number of either the regular, irregular or pseudowords read (out of 16)

c) as a raw score from the total number of either one, two, three or four syllable words read (out of 12)

* You can click on each result to see a breakdown of the assessed words

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