Dystech provides you with a secure place to create notes for each student's session.
In this article we will cover the following:
How to use student notes
Navigate to the student profile you'd like to leave a note on
On the student profile, click on "Notes"
You can individualise every note. This gives you the flexibility to use the feature to suit you and your student. Each note can be personalised by adding what information is important for you:
This could be the date of a session or the keyword of what you plan to focus on in that session.Description
This could be your lesson plan, tasks you want to cover, or any other information you need. It may be about plans and ideas for future sessions.Deadline
This could help you map out how long you plan to focus on certain key points.Attach a file
Worksheets, Learning Plans, Mind Maps, links?
How to share student notes
When an educator is unable to support their caseload due to leave or unexpected circumstances, a replacement educator can be temporarily reassigned the caseload by the Owner or Manager (see User Roles) and gain access to the student notes for those students.
This allows the sessions to move forward in a seamless and meaningful way, following the plans made by the original educator.